Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Solved: Unable to connect to logical disk manager service windows 2003

Hi friends,

I ran into a situation when once i restarted one of my windows server 2003 machine. I was trying to reactivate a scsi disk but what i saw when i opened the disk management console. It gave me the message in bottom "Unable to connect to logical disk manager service".

I googled a lot but none of the solution worked for me. Then after a lot of R&D I found the solution myself.

Here is it.

First of all check below services. They should be started.

1.Plug and Play
2. RPC
3. Logical disk manager service
4. Logical disk manager administrative service

I have symantec antivirus installed. I stopped "Symantec Endpoint Protection" and "Symantec management Client" services and magic It worked like a charm.

 To Stop "Symantec management Client" service : Go to Start --> RUN. Type "SMC -STOP"( without quotes) You may be prompted for password. Please type uninstall password.

To Start "Symantec management Client" service : Go to Start --> RUN. Type "SMC -START"

When you finished working with Disk management. Please start Both services. And this will still be working.

In my case it was symantec. It may be different antivirus in your scenario. Please try disabling the antivirus. and check. Please comment If this worked with other antivirus product as well.